
Before finalizing your order VitalBulk recommends contacting your customs agency to determine which items are not allowed to be imported to your country.  All orders leaving our warehouse are FOB.

Depending on your courier option you may have to pay import taxes and/or customs duties. You may also be required to pay a brokerage (handling) fee for the shipment. These charges are separate from your shipping charge and you will be billed directly for them.

You have provided an accurate phone number or e-mail address with which your chosen courier can reach you in the event of delays or payments required for your shipment.

You have provided a residential or business address to which your chosen courier can deliver your package.

All orders that are shipped with Overnight or Next Day Shipping will require an adult signature upon delivery. This is to ensure that the expedited package has arrived on time. 

VitalBulk strives to provide next day services when we are in operation. All orders placed before 0800 PST (8:00 AM PST) will be processed on that business day. However, orders can take up to 72 hours depending on the day the order was placed (Ex: an order placed on Friday after 0800 PST (8:00 AM PST) will be processed and shipped on Monday) or if the item is currently out of stock.



Section 1.

If your order is returned to us due to a banned/restricted products policy or due to a standard return you will be refunded as follows: You will be refunded the total amount of the order, minus the shipping charge and 15% of the value of the order (as a re-stocking fee). We will also subtract any damaged items or opened product from your total refund. You, as the recipient, are responsible for paying return shipping costs. Items must be returned to our warehouse before a refund can be issued.


Section 2.

If you are requesting to return items (standard return) to apply for a refund a petition must be received before 40 days after the shipping date of your order. Please contact with your Order ID# and a brief description for returning the item(s). The terms in Section 1 apply to this section.


Section 3.

A wrong address, refusal to pay customs fees, refusal to accept the order, or because no one was there to accept delivery of your order, we will NOT refund the total paid.


Section 4.

All claims for returns must be handled within 45 days of the order date. Any claim that has been filed after the 45 day return period has passed will not be refunded.